
世界遗产名录新增这5处 | 外刊精读

田园 译介 2022-06-09

New UNESCO World Heritage Sites







Natural sites this year include the Korean Tidal Flats, the mountainous Kaeng Krachan forest in Thailand (where elephant poaching has been an ongoing problem) and the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands that lie along the Black Sea in western Georgia, the last remains of a landscape belt that stretched across Eurasia nearly ten million years ago.
今年新增的自然遗产地包括“韩国滩涂(theKorean Tidal Flats)”、泰国的“岗卡章森林保护区(theKaeng Krachan forest)”(该地的大象偷猎现象依然存在),以及位于格鲁吉亚西部黑海沿岸的“科尔基斯雨林及湿地(theColchic Rainforests and Wetlands)”,这是近1000万年前横跨欧亚大陆景观带的最后遗迹。
Cultural sites include a Chinese city once known as “the emporium of the world.” An important stop on the Silk Road, Quanzhou’s tapestry of ancient bridges and pagodas also includes one of the oldest mosques in China and other glimmers of the workings of a vibrant 10th-century city. The selection puts China near the top of the list of countries with the most World Heritage sites — right after Italy, which was granted another World Heritage site this year for Bologna’s porticos and a series of 14th century frescos in Padua.

(Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles)

📒 精读解析:

1. Eurasia欧亚大陆,Eurasian 欧亚(人)的

2. emporium: (archaic) a center of commerce商业中心
a large retail store selling a wide variety of goods百货商场
a shop that sells a particular type of goods专卖店
例:an arts and crafts emporium工艺品商店
注意:emporium的复数形式为emporia / emporiums
3. tapestry:(figurative) used in reference to an intricate or complex sequence of events(喻)一连串的复杂事件
the loopiness of the Commons adds to life’s rich tapestry下院议员们的愚笨使已经错综复杂的生活更加扑朔迷离



Spain has been trying to get Madrid’s Paseo del Prado and Retiro Park officially recognized for nearly three decades; it's the capital city’s first World Heritage site. Dotted with major museums and fountains, the avenue and park have been used recreationally since at least the 15th century. 

Other new sites include the pioneering work of architect Jože Plečnik in Slovenia, which helped give the capital Ljubljana a distinctive urban identity, and ancient petroglyphs in Russia’s Republic of Karelia. 

The “Colonies of Benevolence” in what’s now Belgium and the Netherlands were an agricultural experiment against poverty during the Industrial Revolution where indigent people were sometimes forced against their wills to farm. And the Dutch Water Line is a series of 17th-centrury defenses against flooding that has now been elevated to World Heritage status.

近三十年来,西班牙一直在努力为首都马德里的“普拉多大道(Paseodel Prado)”和“丽池公园(Retiro Park)”申遗,现在终于如愿以偿。该遗产地由错落有致的大型博物馆和喷泉点缀,至少从15世纪起就是休闲娱乐的区域。


位于比利时和荷兰的“慈善定居点(Coloniesof Benevolence)”【注:该处为跨境遗产地】共同见证了19世纪的一场社会改革实验:通过在偏远地区建立农业定居点来缓解城市贫困问题。“荷兰水防线(theDutch Water Line)”原是17世纪当地居民修建的的一系列防洪工程,现已被提升为世界遗产。




1. recreation娱乐(与entertainment不同之处在于,recreation更有一层“休养”的含义)
2. Ljubljana卢布尔雅那(斯洛文尼亚首都)
3. petroglyph岩画(在岩石上雕刻图案,尤指史前)
【拓展】fresco湿壁画(在墙壁灰泥未干时绘制)sand painting沙画,stained glass彩绘玻璃
4. 贫穷indigent, impoverished, impecunious



In India, Telangana’s beautifully decorated Ramappa Temple has made the list — it dates back to the 13th century and is thought to have taken 40 years to complete. And in Iran, the UNESCO recognized the Trans-Iranian Railway, which started construction in 1929, linking the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.

在印度的特伦甘纳邦,华丽辉煌的“拉玛帕神庙(theRamappa Temple)”(始建于13世纪,施工约40年)被列入名录。始建于1929年,连接波斯湾和里海的“伊朗纵贯铁路(theTrans-Iranian Railway)”也得到了联合国教科文组织的认可。




1. make the list入选/上榜
【拓展】大获全胜with flying colors(作状语)名落孙山fail in a competitive examination (or fail to pass ...)一事无成get nowhere, come to nought籍籍无名become a loser, nobody
2. 波斯湾the Persian Gulf
【拓展】“湾”一般用Gulf,如 泰国湾 Gulf of Thailand,墨西哥湾 Gulf of Mexico,几内亚湾 Gulf of Guinea,阿拉斯加湾Gulf of Alaska
也有例外,如“孟加拉湾 Bay of Bengal”
3. 里海the Caspian Sea
【拓展】波罗的海the Baltic Sea,爱琴海the Aegean Sea珊瑚海the Coral Sea,白令海the Bering Sea,死海the Dead Sea南海the South ChinaSea,东海the East China Sea,渤海the Bohai Sea公海high seas,领海territorial waters



The ancient Ḥimā Cultural Area in Saudi Arabia includes rock art, pictures of flowers and animals drawn by people 7000 years ago up until fairly recently. 

Located up in the mountains on an old caravan route where the wells still produce fresh water, there are inscriptions in multiple languages, including Musnad, Aramaic-Nabatean, South-Arabian, Thamudic, Greek and Arabic.

沙特阿拉伯的希马文化地区(Ḥimā Cultural Area)是一处岩画群,岩画的创作题材包括当地的动植物活动和生长情况,时间跨度长达7000余年


And an important archeological site in Turkey may be even older. The area around the Arslantepe Mound was settled around 8000 years ago and remains an invaluable resource to Mesopotamian scholars. 

The site was added to the list even as the World Heritage committee has put public pressure on Turkey over another World Heritage site, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which the government last year announced would be converted into a mosque.

土耳其入围的遗产地有着更悠久的历史。“阿斯兰特佩土丘(theArslantepe Mound)”周边区域至少在公元前6000年就已成为人类定居点,对研究美索不达米亚文明的学者来说仍是一处宝贵的资源。去年,土耳其当局宣布准备将另一处世界遗产——伊斯坦布尔的“圣索菲亚大教堂(theHagia Sophia)”改建成清真寺,此举引起了世界遗产委员会的不满和对土耳其的施压,尽管如此,阿斯兰特佩土丘还是顺利入选了世界遗产名录。

ḤimāCultural Area希马岩画(位于沙特南部纳吉兰省)


1. 岩画类历史文化遗产很容易出现在阅读题目/四六级翻译/CATTI实务考题中
拓展:2012年11月CATTI二级笔译实务汉译英试题“贺兰山岩画” “(有专家认为)贺兰口岩画是象形文字前的图画文字”Helankou rock paintings stand for pictograph which preceded hieroglyph.
2. 8000 years ago译为公元前6000年,是考虑到历史表述规范性(普遍采用公元纪年)
3. Mesopotamian scholars很容易被直译为“美索不达米亚学者”,因此在阅读外刊时要注意信息的完整性,及时进行增译。
4. the Hagia Sophia圣索菲亚大教堂
【拓展】Milan Cathedral米兰大教堂(Duomo)St. Peter’s Basilica圣彼得大教堂(位于梵蒂冈)Cologne Cathedral科隆大教堂(哥特式建筑)Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂
5. Istanbul原名Constantinople(君士坦丁堡)

Anearly Iron Age relief found at Turkey’s Arslantepe Mound site.在土耳其“阿斯兰特佩土丘”遗址发掘出的铁器时代浮雕
6. relief: a way of decorating wood, stone, etc. by cutting designs into the surface of it so  that some parts stick out more than others; a design that is made in this way浮雕作品
The column was decorated in highrelief (= with designs that stick out a lot) with scenes from Greek mythology. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。
The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs. 青铜门上覆有浮雕。





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